Refund Policy


The policy for refund of money (“Refund Policy”) is applicable only to

  1. Affiliation Fee submitted by Teacher(s)  
  2. Fee paid by 3i Education Student(s)  

Refund of Affiliation Fee effective from 1st April 2021.

Applicant(s) are requested to read the refund policy carefully as it is linked to lapse of time.

  1. Refund Policy of the Company allows refund of Micro Franchise Fee or Affiliation Fee after deduction of transaction charges and applicable taxes and on proportion basis in the situations provided hereunder:
  1. If during or after the training and certification process, the Teacher is deemed unsuitable to conduct classes digitally for whatsoever reason (at the sole discretion of the Company), the association with such Teacher will be cancelled and such Fee shall be refunded within 10 (ten) working days. (100% refund after tax and transaction charges deduction.)
  2. A Refund of 60% of the Franchise fee (after tax and transaction charges deduction) will be refunded if the teacher is not interested to continue within 20 days of Joining.
  1. The Micro Franchise Fee cannot be refunded in the situations provided hereunder:
  1. We cannot refund the micro franchise fee after 20 days of payment if a teacher does not wish to continue or if they have availed any discount on the micro franchise fee.
  2. If the Teacher does not want to continue as Teacher due to some reason.
  3. If the Teacher requests for any discount on Micro Franchise Fee offered by the Company after you become the Teacher.

At 3iEducation, we are committed to connecting you to top tutors capable of delivering an outstanding experience. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the selected tutor after the initial session, please call us and we will help you identify a tutor who might be a better fit. If you remain dissatisfied, we will issue you a full refund of all unused hours, based on the following refund policy:

  1. A refund request will be deemed valid only if it is made through an email to, for registering the refund request, within 45 (forty Five) calendar days from the payment date (“Payment Date”). It is clarified that no refunds shall be processed for the refund request made after 45 (forty five) days from the Payment Date* of the course fee.
  2. Refund shall be processed on unused classes subject to deduction of the value of any cashback, discounts or rewards, including vouchers (if applicable).
  3. In case of discontinuation of the service by any tutor, there will not be any refund of fee for the time period served by the said tutor. However, 3i Education will be responsible for arranging another tutor, ensuring continuity of the teaching.
  4. Students are eligible for refund under various categories detailed above only if they have regularly attended the classes for the respective periods.
  5. Once the fee is refunded, the student will cease to have access to the content provided by 3iEducation.
  6. Request for cancellation/discontinuation of the course and refund of fee shall be made via E-mail ( There will be no refund of any fee for the period from the date of commencement of classes till the date of receipt of a request for cancellation/ discontinuation.
  7. The Company shall not be liable for any refund, if the student does not attend the allotted classes within the stipulated tenure and does not claim for refund within the said tenure.
  8. 3iEducation will request you to share your bank account details where it can transfer the refund amount and such other documents (for international students), as may be required, to process the refund. Once 3iEducation has all the required information, 3iEducation will process your refund for unused classes, within 7 -10 working days.
  9. 3iEducation reserves the right to alter the terms of refund at any point of time.
  10. Any disputes arising out of the services provided or the claim for refund of the tuition fee will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in New Delhi.